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Please be aware that Mail For Good is currently in beta.

Looking to contribute? Read our developer setup guide.

An app for sending millions of emails as cheaply as possible. Mail for Good uses AWS Simple Email Service to send bulk emails at $0.10 per 1000 emails.

Mail for Good is fast and memory efficient, currently sending over 100 emails per second on a 1gb Digital Ocean VPS.

We’ve used Mail for Good to deliver newsletters to hundreds of thousands of campers per week.

Click here to view our youtube video and get started.

What does Mail for Good do?

With Mail for Good you can:

  • Send email campaigns of unlimited size.
  • Import emails saved in CSV format.
  • Create templates to reuse for convenience when sending email campaigns.
  • Track bounce rate and other standard metrics. You can also insert tracking pixels and unsubcribe links at the click of a button.
  • Add custom fields to imported email lists such as names or cities.
  • Grant other users (limited or otherwise) permissions to use your account on your behalf.
  • Add embedded HTML newsletter sign up forms to your site. These are snippets of code that will let your users sign up with you at the click of a button.


We’re currently sending weekly email blasts of over 800,000 emails in 4 hours on a $10 per month Digital Ocean VPS with 1gb memory and 1 core processor.

Mail for Good is fast and scales to the rate limit enforced by AWS.

Why are we doing this?

We want to help nonprofits manage their email campaigns as inexpensively as possible, and have full control over their data.